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British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson welcomes baby after surviving Coronavirus

Prime Minister, Boris Johnson and his fiancée, Carrie Symonds have welcomed a new baby boy.

Boris recently recovered from Coronavirus.

BBC quoted their spokeswoman as saying that the mother and baby are, “doing very well”.

Johnson was present throughout the birth, in a London hospital.

“The PM and Ms Symonds would like to thank the fantastic NHS maternity team,” the spokeswoman added.

Johnson, 55, and Symonds, 32, announced in March that they were expecting a baby.

They are the first unmarried couple to move into Downing Street together.

The baby is Symonds’ first child, while Mr Johnson is known to have fathered five.

Johnson’s father, Stanley Johnson, told PA news agency he was “absolutely delighted”.

Labour leader, Keir Starmer, called the birth “wonderful news”.

The arrival is the third baby born to a serving Prime Minister in recent history, as PM, Tony Blair’s wife, Cherie gave birth to their son, Leo in May 2000.

While in office, David Cameron and wife, Samantha also welcomed a daughter.

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