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KANU TO PRESIDENCY: We spend big on diplomatic offensive, Nigeria will cease to exist when we’re done

KANU TO PRESIDENCY: We spend big on diplomatic offensive, Nigeria will cease to exist when we’re done 

The leader of the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu, on Tuesday reacted to a claim by the presidency that the group was using Christianity to wage war against the Nigerian State.

The presidency had in a statement issued by the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu, said IPOB had been attempting to drive a wedge between the Nigerian government and its United States, United Kingdom and European allies.

In a swift reaction on his Facebook page, Kanu said the Nigerian government had inadvertently confirmed that the group spent big on diplomatic offensive.

He said every dime contributed to IPOB would go towards ”dismantling Nigeria and restoration of Biafra.”

The IPOB leader boasted that its group had ”destroyed Nigeria, adding that and the name will cease to exist when they are done ‘with their campaign against the country.

READ ALSO: Nnamdi Kanu to lead one-million-man march in US over killings in Nigeria —IPOB

He said: “I Mazi Nnamdi Kanu have no mansion, no car, no hotel, no university, no government contract, don’t lie, don’t cheat, don’t steal and all I have is the grace of Chukwu Okike Abiama to do his will which is to restore Biafra in TRUTH and HONESTY.

“Every dime the indomitable IPOB family worldwide contributes towards our liberation goes towards the dismantling of Nigeria and restoration of Biafra, I mean every dime.

“Once again Nigerian Government has inadvertently confirmed that we spend big on our diplomatic offensive. We have destroyed Nigeria and by the time we are done with them, the name Nigeria will seize to exist.”


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