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Okonjo-Iweala says govts need to shun corruption to beat covid-19

Okonjo-Iweala says govts need to shun corruption to beat covid-19 

A former Minister of Finance in Nigeria, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala has said in order to beat COVID-19, that governments across the world needed to shun corruption and be transparent.

The former World Bank director gave this advice in a piece published on Bloomberg and entitled “To Beat COVID-19 governments need to open up”.

Okonjo-Iweala is currently serving on the board of Bloomberg Task Force on Fiscal Policy for Health.

She recalled how, when she served as finance minister from 2003 to 2006 as well as between 2011 and 2015 in Nigeria, she was transparent and was able to save billions of dollars that were channeled to other priorities.

She said, “Getting medical equipment, and eventually vaccines, to those that need them most poses a major governance challenge. Already, many countries are battling price gouging, collapsing supply chains and even corruption in the procurement of supplies, including personal protective equipment.

“Out of desperation, governments have contracted with suppliers who have no track record of delivering the equipment they need. Too often those suppliers have failed.

“The only way to make emergency procurement fast and efficient is to do it in the open by publishing all tenders and all contracts.

“This openness should extend to the emergency budgets that have been established to fund healthcare systems and economic stimulus packages. Even in normal times, finance ministries need to publish their budgets in a way that encourages accountability and citizen engagement. Right now, it is even more important to reassure taxpayers that funds are being spent on the right priorities.

Read also: COVID-19: AU appoints Okonjo-Iweala, others as special envoys to help fix Africa’s faltering economies

“Opening up procurement and budgets can only have the desired effect if citizens and civil society are empowered to follow the money.

“During my tenure as Nigerian finance minister, we worked hard in a difficult governance environment to open up information and tackle corruption. Though it was not easy, we saved billions of dollars that were channeled to other priorities.

“At a time when many governments are rapidly mobilizing financial resources from their own budgets, international markets and donors, it is vital that funds are not wasted. Working in an open way will build trust with citizens and lenders, and it will ensure money reaches the neediest.

“When this pandemic is brought to an end, one legacy should be an expectation for more open government that makes better decisions, uses resources more wisely and puts citizens first.”

Okonjo-Iweala is the Nigerian candidate for the position of director-general at the World Trade Organisation (WTO).


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